On Top of the World is proud to utilize Envera – a simple and effective way to manage access to the community.
Below, you’ll find helpful information to assist with all your MyEnvera needs. If you require additional support, please email otowgates@otowfl.com.

The Envera Gate System offers a convenient and efficient solution for managing community access. With features like remote monitoring, automated guest entry, and real-time notifications, Envera helps ensure that only authorized individuals are granted entry. The system’s user-friendly interface allows residents to easily manage access permissions, while its continuous monitoring and reporting provide added peace of mind. Overall, the Envera system enhances the flow of traffic, reduces wait times, and creates a more streamlined experience for both residents and visitors.

Click here to download the MyEnvera App!

Important Notices

Envera Gate RFID Application Schedule

Below is the RFID Vehicle Decal Drive-Through Event Schedule for your neighborhoods.
These drive-through event will occur in the Circle Square Cultural Center parking lot from 8 AM to 12 PM on the specified dates below. Entrance to this event will begin on SW 79th Street Road. (Click here for map of traffic pattern.) Please follow all directional signs to ensure a proper flow of traffic. For an expedited experience, you may remove your existing decal before the event.

Residents should arrive on their assigned day to facilitate seamless distribution:


  • Monday, March 10th (A-L last name only)
  • Tuesday, March 11th (M-Z last name only)

Indigo East Gateway Users:

  • Wednesday, March 12th

Longleaf Ridge:

  • Monday, March 24th (A-L last name only)
  • Tuesday, March 25th (M-Z last name only)

Residents with different last names in the same household, can collect their decal(s) on either date.

Can’t attend on your assigned day? Please reach out to otowgates@otowfl.com for rescheduling information. As a reminder, your barcode will continue to work while we integrate all communities.

Remaining neighborhood vehicle decal event dates tentative schedule.

Exact dates to be announced shortly.

  • Providence: April 2025
  • Candler: May 2025
  • Crescent Ridge & Crescent Green: June 2025
  • Avalon: July 2025
  • Friendship Colony: August 2025
  • Friendship Park, Friendship Village, & Americana: September 2025
  • Makeup Date: October 2025

Envera Gate FAQ’s

How do I get my new sticker?

Each individual neighborhood will be scheduled to attend one of our Sticker Integration Events. This will be located at the Circle Square Cultural Center in the rear parking lot. Please keep an eye out for your invite to these events.

How does the License Auto Verification Work?

The first time your guest arrives, your visitor will interact with the Envera Kiosk to confirm they are on the list of approved visitors. The camera will take a picture of their license plate and load it to their account. Every consecutive time they arrive after that, they will be auto verified by their license plate.

How do I send a QR Code and how does it work?

You will have the ability to send a QR code directly to your guest by going to the ‘Visitor’ tab, select the visitor name, and at the bottom you will find the visitor QR code send button. Your visitor can scan this at the kiosk when they arrive.

What is my phone number used for?

In the event a visitor arrives and is NOT on your list, Envera will call for approval. They will call the primary phone number first, then the secondary phone number.

What number will Envera gates call me from?

The number you need to load into your phone for Envera is 1-877-936-8372. This will be the number you use to call Envera as well as the number they will call you from if they need to get a hold of you.

What is the PIN for and how do I use it?

The PIN allows you to make changes to your account so please do not share it with anyone outside of your household. You may also use your PIN when you have to utilize the Visitor Lane to enter the neighborhood. You will provide this to the Virtual Gate Guard upon arrival.

What happens if the power goes out at the gate or the internet does not work?

If power goes out, per Marion County Fire Code, the gates have to open. The virtual system is constantly communicating with our gates throughout the day to ensure everything is operating properly. If there is an issue, OTOW staff will be notified via text or notification alert almost immediately, even on nights and weekends.

I am an Indigo East Resident, will I have a MyEnvera account?

Indigo residents will not have an Envera account but will receive a sticker if they are a Gateway of Services pass holder.

Does this new system effect the RV Storage Lot or the Storage Facility?

No, this new system is only located at the community entrances.

What is the Community List and how is that applicable to my incoming visitors?

OTOW will be registering certain vendors/ contractors like FedX, UPS, Kroger etc. We will also be adding some vendors/suppliers into the system permanently.

Do I need to know the driver’s name of my vendor that is coming to service my home?

No. You can enter in the name of the company under ‘Company Name’ and they will be granted access.

Will any gates have an in-person gate attendant?

For the time being, the construction gate located on 80th Avenue will have an attendant.

QR Code Access for Visitors

The fastest and easiest method of visitor verification at the virtual gate guard

A QR code is a digital pass that residents can send to visitors via text or email before they arrive at an Envera community. When presented at a Virtual Gate Guard kiosk, the code will grant entry to active, pre-approved guests within their designated days/times.

Generating a QR Code

How to create a Envera QR code 1

Login to MyEnvera (from the app or the web portal).

How to create a Envera QR code 2

Click the QR code emblem next to the desired visitor. (No icon indicates the listing requires a phone or email)

How to create a Envera QR code 3

Click the blue “Create” button and paste the QR code into a text, email, or app.

NOTE: Visitors must have a valid phone number or email address to receive a QR code. QR codes will not grant entry to expired visitors, those with “deny” status, or visitors arriving outside their permitted days/times. For guests designated as “one-time” visitors, the QR code will only work once.